
In today’s digital age, marketing has become more complex than ever before. With multiple channels and touchpoints, it can be challenging to accurately measure the impact of each marketing effort. This is where comes in – a multi-touch marketing attribution software that connects all your marketing data and provides valuable insights to optimize your ROI. In this article, we will explore how can help businesses of all sizes streamline their marketing efforts and achieve better results.

CONNECTING all marketing data The Ultimate Solution for Multi-Touch Marketing Attribution

One of the biggest challenges in marketing is consolidating data from various sources. With, you can easily connect all your marketing data sources, including Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and more. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and saves time and effort. Moreover, with all your data in one place, you can get a holistic view of your marketing performance and make informed decisions.

See the value and ROAS of every marketing touchpoint

With, you can track the performance of each marketing touchpoint and understand its contribution to conversions. This allows you to identify which channels are driving the most value and optimize your budget accordingly. Additionally, you can also calculate the return on ad spend (ROAS) for each channel, giving you a clear understanding of your marketing effectiveness.

Multi-touch marketing attribution software

Traditional last-click attribution models only credit the last touchpoint before a conversion. However, in today’s customer journey, there are multiple touchpoints involved before a purchase decision is made. uses a Markov model attribution approach, which takes into account all the touchpoints and assigns credit to each based on its influence. This gives a more accurate representation of the customer journey and helps you allocate your marketing budget effectively.

Partnering with companies large and small The Ultimate Solution for Multi-Touch Marketing Attribution caters to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing make it a popular choice among companies looking to optimize their marketing efforts. Let’s take a look at what some of our clients have to say about

WHAT Our Clients Say

  • “Windsor is the backbone of all our client reporting. It makes connecting to many data sources easy and saves us a lot of time.” – John Smith, Digital Marketing Agency
  • “The capability of being able to customize the dashboard and present data in ways we requested it to be is a game-changer for us. Also, being able to see each channel’s attributed conversions helps us understand which channel is performing better.” – Sarah Jones, E-commerce Store Owner
  • is the best solution for joining ad data with Google Analytics. I can use my data in Data Studio and BigQuery, which has been a huge help for our business. And the customer service is exceptional!” – David Brown, Marketing Manager at a Tech Company

OPTIMIZE Marketing ROI for all channels The Ultimate Solution for Multi-Touch Marketing Attribution

With, you can optimize your marketing ROI for all channels by identifying the most effective touchpoints and allocating your budget accordingly. This not only helps you save money but also improves your overall marketing performance.

Save time and automate

Manual data entry and analysis can be time-consuming and prone to errors. With, you can automate the process of collecting and analyzing data, saving you valuable time and resources. This allows you to focus on other important aspects of your business while takes care of your marketing data.

Optimize Marketing with Multi-touch Attribution Modelling Software’s multi-touch attribution modelling software uses advanced algorithms to analyze your data and provide valuable insights. You can visualize your data in different formats, such as charts and graphs, making it easier to understand and act upon. Moreover, you can also create custom reports and dashboards to suit your specific needs.

VISUALISE, use and stream to any tool

The Ultimate Solution for Multi-Touch Marketing Attribution allows you to visualize your data in different formats and stream it to any tool of your choice. This means you can use your data in tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, or Excel, making it easier to analyze and share with your team. You can also integrate with your CRM system to optimize for customer lifetime value (CLV).

OPTIMISE for CLV from CRM data

By integrating your CRM data with, you can optimize your marketing efforts for customer lifetime value. This allows you to identify high-value customers and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly. Moreover, you can also track the impact of your marketing efforts on customer retention and loyalty.



The Ultimate Solution for Multi-Touch Marketing Attribution

In conclusion, is a comprehensive multi-touch marketing attribution software that helps businesses of all sizes optimize their marketing efforts. With its ability to connect all marketing data sources, provide accurate attribution modelling, and automate data analysis, is a valuable tool for any business looking to improve their ROI. Its user-friendly interface, affordable pricing, and exceptional customer service make it a top choice among marketers worldwide. So why wait? Try today and see the difference it can make for your business!

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